Willkommen auf meiner Homepage

fließend Deutsch und Englisch /fluently in English

professionelle Ausbildung / professional training

 Stansilawski/Strassberg Unterricht 

Seminarschauspieler/ actor for seminars

Moderationserfahrung / host

 Bühnen - und Fernseherfahrung /stage and camera

Frankfurt, Köln und Hamburg




You only speak English? No problem

Welcome again to my homepage.  I have added some screenshots from movies and series from the 90s and the new millenium in the gallery. Unfortunalty the quality is really bad.  Sorry for that. 


Are you living in Germany or just make some holidays or work here.  And you like detective stories and series?  You always wanted to be a detective? Than take a look to www.citygames.info.  We also play our interactive crime theater in English.



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© Die Offizielle Alex Höhn Seite